‘Donate what you can’ OR ‘Free if you can’t …’
We believe in the power of healing and want to make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why we offer to put your hopes and intentions in our ‘Reiki Wish Box’ and send you ‘Distance Reiki’ completely free if you wish. Our mission is to offer the transformative benefits of distance Reiki to all those in need, whether you can contribute financially or not.
However, websites have ongoing expenses, including web hosting, domain registration, security measures, and technical maintenance. Donations help cover these essential costs, ensuring the site remains accessible and functional. Your generosity keeps our digital doors open. Your donations also help fund the creation of content, including articles, videos, tutorials, and more.
If you’d like to support us and contribute in some small way you can make a donation through ‘Paypal’. Your contribution and generosity helps us continue offering distance Reiki for free to individuals who may be in need but facing financial constraints.
Making a donation is easy and convenient. Supporting us is simple and makes a big difference.
Click the ‘Donate’ Button below to go to Paypal, enter an amount to donate, and choose your preferred method of donation:
One-Off Donation: Click the “Donate” button to make a secure online donation.
Regular Giving: Become a sustaining supporter by setting up a recurring donation either monthly or annually.
Put your hopes, desires and intentions in our ‘Reiki Wish Box’ for free.
Your ‘Reiki Wish’ will be printed, placed inside a sealed envelope, and Distance Reiki will be performed using the relevant Reiki Symbols, to help manifest the intentions that you have requested.
Details - Click Here
Reiki Reiki Reiki - Latest Articles :
Reiki Levels Explained – The 3 levels of Reiki and their Attunements
Reiki Levels Explained The 3 levels of Reiki and their Attunements You need to be trained in Reiki to be able to perform it. Reiki is a spiritual practice that involves the use of energy healing techniques, and it is important to receive...
Reiki and Mindfulness – Two Sides of the Same Coin
Reiki and Mindfulness Two Sides of the Same Coin Reiki and mindfulness are two complementary practices that can help individuals cultivate greater awareness and presence in their daily lives. Both practices share a common goal of promoting a...
Reiki for Animals – Connecting with Our Furry Friends
Reiki for Animals Connecting with Our Furry Friends ... Reiki, a form of energy healing, is known for its ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support overall health and well-being. But did you know that Reiki can also be used to...
Unlocking Your Inner Peace with Reiki
Unlocking Your Inner Peace With Reiki ... Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or disconnected from your inner self? If so, Reiki may be the key to unlocking your inner peace. Reiki is a spiritual practice that uses universal life...
The Healing Power of Reiki – A Beginner’s Guide
The Healing Power of Reiki A Beginner's Guide ... Energy healing is a natural healing technique that has been practiced for centuries in one form or another. Born in 1865, Mikao Usui developed Reiki after a period of intense spiritual study...
We believe in the power of healing and want to make it accessible to everyone - our mission is to offer the transformative benefits of Reiki to all those in need, whether you can contribute financially or not.
‘Donate what you can’ OR ‘Free if you can't’
Your generosity can make a world of difference – consider making a donation today to support us.