Reiki Glossary 

G to L of words and phrases …

A to Z of Reiki Terminology

Words and phrases associated with reiki healing

Reiki Terms beginning G


Grounding: The process of connecting with the earth and the present moment, which is an important aspect of Reiki healing.

Gratitude: The practice of cultivating a sense of gratitude for life and its blessings, which can enhance the effectiveness of Reiki healing.

Guidance: The belief in the power of the universe to provide guidance and support to individuals on their spiritual journey.

Giving: The act of giving Reiki energy to others, which is a fundamental aspect of Reiki healing.

Growth: The process of personal growth and transformation that can occur through Reiki healing and other spiritual practices.

Good health: The goal of Reiki healing is to promote good health and well-being, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Gentle touch: The use of gentle touch to channel Reiki energy to specific areas of the body or energy field.

Graciousness: The practice of showing kindness and graciousness towards oneself and others, which can be facilitated through Reiki healing.

Groundedness: The feeling of being grounded and centered in one’s body and energy field, which is an important aspect of Reiki healing.

God: The belief in a higher power or universal energy that Reiki practitioners work with during a session.

Reiki Terms beginning H


Healing: The primary goal of Reiki healing is to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and balance.

Hands-on: The use of hands-on techniques to channel Reiki energy to specific areas of the body or energy field.

Holistic: Reiki healing is a holistic approach to healing that addresses the whole person, including the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

Harmony: The goal of Reiki healing is to promote harmony and balance in the body and energy field.

Higher power: The belief in a higher power or universal energy that Reiki practitioners work with during a session.

Heart-centered: Reiki healing is often described as a heart-centered practice, emphasizing love, compassion, and empathy.

Happiness: The experience of happiness and well-being can be a natural outcome of Reiki healing.

Health: Reiki healing is believed to promote good health and well-being, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Hope: Reiki healing can provide hope and inspiration for those seeking healing and transformation.

Hara: The Hara is the center of energy located in the lower abdomen, often worked with in Reiki healing.

Reiki Terms beginning I


Intuition: Reiki healing is often said to help practitioners develop their intuition and inner wisdom.

Inner peace: The practice of Reiki healing can promote a sense of inner peace and calm.

Integration: The goal of Reiki healing is to promote the integration of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the self.

Intent: Reiki healing is often practiced with a specific intention in mind, such as healing a physical ailment or emotional issue.

Inner healing: Reiki healing is believed to promote inner healing at a deep level.

In-person: Reiki healing can be done in-person, with the practitioner placing their hands on or near the recipient’s body.

Inclusivity: Reiki healing is an inclusive practice, available to people of all backgrounds and beliefs.

Energy flow: Reiki healing is focused on balancing the flow of energy throughout the body and energy field.

Imbalance: Reiki healing seeks to correct imbalances in the body’s energy field that may contribute to physical or emotional issues.

Insight: The practice of Reiki healing can provide insight into one’s own physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Reiki Terms beginning J


Joy: Reiki healing can promote a sense of joy and well-being.

Journey: Reiki healing is often described as a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Jin Shin Jyutsu: Jin Shin Jyutsu is a healing art that is often practiced in conjunction with Reiki, which involves holding specific points on the body to release tension and promote healing.

Japanese: Reiki healing originated in Japan and many traditional practices and techniques are still used today.

Just for today: One of the principles of Reiki healing is to focus on the present moment and taking things one day at a time, as expressed in the phrase “just for today.”

Joining: Reiki healing can help to facilitate a sense of joining or connection between the individual and the universal life force energy.

Joints: Reiki healing can be helpful for relieving joint pain and stiffness, and promoting joint mobility.

Joyful spirit: Reiki healing can promote a sense of joyful spirit and emotional well-being.

Jikiden Reiki: Jikiden Reiki is a traditional form of Reiki that focuses on the original teachings and techniques of the founder, Mikao Usui.

Reiki Terms beginning K


Ki: The word “Ki” (or “Chi” or “Qi”) refers to the universal life force energy that Reiki practitioners channel and work with during a session.

Kundalini: Kundalini is a form of yoga that is often practiced in conjunction with Reiki, focusing on awakening the energy at the base of the spine and moving it upward through the chakras.

Karuna Reiki: Karuna Reiki is a type of Reiki that emphasizes compassion and the release of negative emotions.

Knowledge: Reiki healing can promote self-awareness and knowledge about one’s own physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Kinesiology: Kinesiology is a practice that is often used in conjunction with Reiki healing, which involves muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body’s energy field.

Key principles: The key principles of Reiki healing include focusing on the present moment, being grateful, and letting go of worry and anger.

Karmic patterns: Reiki healing can help individuals to release negative karmic patterns and promote positive change in their lives.

Kinship: Reiki healing can help to promote a sense of kinship or connection between individuals, and with the universal life force energy.

Kindness: Reiki healing is often practiced with an emphasis on kindness, love, and compassion.

Reiki Terms beginning L


Life force energy: Reiki healing is based on the concept that there is a life force energy that flows through all living things and can be harnessed for healing purposes.

Light: Many Reiki practitioners visualize a white or golden light during a Reiki session, which is said to help bring healing energy to the recipient.

Love: Reiki healing is often associated with love and compassion, as practitioners aim to channel positive energy to help heal others.

Luminous energy field: The luminous energy field is a concept in some forms of energy healing, including Reiki, which refers to the energy field that surrounds the physical body.

Lotus position: The lotus position is a seated meditation position often used during Reiki sessions to help practitioners focus their energy and concentration.

Layers of the aura: Reiki practitioners may work with the layers of the aura, which are said to correspond to different aspects of a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Light touch: Reiki practitioners typically use a light touch or no touch at all during a session, as the focus is on channeling energy rather than physical manipulation.

Listening: Reiki practitioners may emphasize the importance of active listening during a session, as it can help them tune into the recipient’s needs and energy.

Life purpose: Reiki healing may be used to help individuals connect with their life purpose or spiritual path, as it is believed to promote a sense of inner peace and clarity.

Long-distance healing: Reiki healing can be done remotely, with practitioners using techniques such as visualization and intention to send healing energy to recipients who are not physically present.


G to L

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