What is a Reiki Wish Box?
A Reiki wish box is used in Reiki practice to manifest your hopes, desires and intentions through the power of the positive energy of Reiki.
We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the benefits of Reiki in this way, and we are here to support your journey toward physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness – we are offering to put your hopes and intentions in our ‘Reiki Wish Box’ completely free if you wish.
To use a Reiki wish box, the practitioner first sets an intention or desire for something they wish to manifest, such as improved health, or peace of mind. We can do that for you and print your written intention down on a piece of paper and put it inside a sealed envelope. We then place it inside the box, along with any other symbolic items or objects that represent the intention.
How much does it cost?
FREE IF YOU WANT – We believe in the power of healing and want to make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. Our mission is to offer the transformative benefits of Reiki to all those in need, whether you can contribute financially or not.
Is it really free?
YES IT IS – Our ‘Donate what you can OR Free if you can’t’ Reiki Wish Box operates on a simple principle: give what you can, and receive what you need, but there is absolutely no obligation to make a donation. If you are in a position to contribute financially, your donation helps us continue to offer this service to those who cannot afford it. If you cannot make a financial contribution, don’t worry; our exact same service is available to you for free.
What is Donate what you can OR Free if you can’t?
Our ” Donate What You Can” model is as simple as it sounds: you decide whether you want to donate, and how much, based on your budget and circumstances. Please don’t worry if you don’t want to donate – YOU WILL STILL RECEIVE DISTANCE REIKI IN EXACTLY THE SAME WAY.
You have the power to choose what you donate while ensuring that those who can’t afford it still receive our support for FREE and your contribution ensures that Reiki remains accessible to everyone who needs it. We believe in empowering our users to decide the worth of our service.
Can I make a donation?
If you’d like to support us and contribute to the ‘Pay What You Can’ Reiki Wish Box Service, you can make a donation through ‘Paypal’. Your contribution and generosity helps us continue offering distance Reiki for free to individuals who may be in need but facing financial constraints. Donate Here.
What do I need to do?
Fill in the online form on this page with as much detail as you wish to share – don’t worry if you don’t fill out everything.
Your ‘Reiki Wish’ will be printed and placed inside a sealed envelope and Distance Reiki will be performed using the relevant Reiki Symbols, to help manifest the hopes, desires, and intentions that you have requested.
Distance reiki will be sent to you every day. You can even choose a time each day if you wish. Early morning before you start your day, afternoon when you may normally feel a little tired, or maybe late at night when you are sleeping – it’s your choice. YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING AT ALL TO RECEIVE THE DISTANCE REIKI. Carry on with your normal daily activities and Reiki will automatically be sent to you every day.
Reiki Wish Box Request
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We believe in the power of healing and want to make it accessible to everyone - our mission is to offer the transformative benefits of Reiki to all those in need, whether you can contribute financially or not.
‘Donate what you can’ OR ‘Free if you can't’
Your generosity can make a world of difference – consider making a donation today to support us.